Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dunia Baru..haRD tO copE with..But to PrAY fOR thE BEST..from Him~

assalamualaikum sume...
dalam kte berlima..
tak sangka peace-sunk yg dpt PLKN tuh..
sejak PM lancarkn PLKN ni aq da berdbar2 dah..
[bpe thon da~]
hari tuh peace-sunk ad text..
she told me how hard it is for her to accept the new world..
well,for us that knows her is not a surprise then..
i know how sad she is and she even told me that she wanted to go home..
hearing that my heart was torn..
kesian sgt..kalau perak tuh dekat da lme da aq trpacak kat kem tuh nak jmpe peace-sunk..
tapi kekangan kerja,tambang, masa membataskn...
dan aq tahu dye tak sesuai dalam suasana sosial mcm tu..
rasa tak selesa..
rasa diperhati..
it's like a black ball in a sea of cotton..
it's hard..
and i can only pray for the best..
lots of love~kiwi..

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